Call Us : +44 3333 449 377
Emergency : +44 7824 619 627
Glassgow : +44 1412802777
Aberdeen : +44 1224515252
Dundee : +44 1382250251

From small private functions to corporate security, tailored to your bespoke needs…

All our event staff are friendly, courteous and will dress to impress your guests and greet each person with the warmest of welcomes.

From Fun Fairs to Fun Runs

When planning any event with an expected high turnout, security is paramount. Whether that’s a fun fair in town for a week, or a one-day fun run, cycle event or sporting event where there’s likely to be spectators, security is paramount during planning. For large events, local authorities will insist on security.

Guld are experienced in event security and liaison with security planning for the run up to events, then visible during the event.

Visible or Discrete – It’s your call

Guld event security is tailored to your event. For large sporting events where crowd control is required, so too is visibility to ensure spectators know there’s security around to keep things running smoothly.

For corporate hotels, seminars, fundraisers, dinner parties (private or corporate), Guld event staff will dress to your standards, act in your best interests and always be courteous when addressing your guests.

Guld Security and our event staff know that in many cases, they are the first point of contact. For that reason, Guld and our staff will always stand behind your businesses core values.

March Security

… In the event of organised marches, such as Pride events and other LGBT events, we always show up with the utmost respect for beliefs, act with integrity, trust and aware of the cause being promoted. Our event security act for advocacy and disperse opposition.

Emergency Events

Emergency events are rarely planned for. Guld Security have the staffing resources to help any corporate organisation with forward planning for the unthinkable such as civil disturbance as witnessed during the 2011 London Riots.

Forward planning for civil unrest with our hotelier clients – the priority is keeping guest’s safe, and the premises and supporting business continuity. If need be, our SIA licensed and highly trained event security staff know the importance of making your premises look closed from the outside with your guest’s safe on the inside. Locked doors, dimmed lights, blinds closed, guests moved from the ground floor with the utmost respect.

We’re here for you and your event participants or attendees…

Our event security team will work with your event managers, liaise with all parties and support your event and cause – whatever that may be.

Private, corporate, planned awareness march etc. And assist your business with forward-planning for emergency events or act fast for your interest and protection if the worst should happen.

To discuss the security of your event with our head of operations contact Guld at or telephone: 01382 250001